Essay/Term paper: The death penalty
Essay, term paper, research paper: Argumentative Essays
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The Death Penalty
The death penalty is a subject that has had much more popularity since it was
reinstated in 1976, compared to the years prior. It is a subject that raises
many moral issures. It questions the constitution an most of all it questions
god. If there is an individual in society who has no remorese ruthlessly
taking another life, what should be his or her punishment? Letting them go free
is obviously out of the question, and what of our rapidly fill filling prison
facilities and the cost? What about the victims and their families? What about
the ten commandments and thoushalt not kill Should the judicial system have the
right to sentence someone to death, or should we letr god be the one to play
People who ruthlessly kill. Wouldn't they be less likely to kell if they knew
that if they too a life , theirs would be taken also? If the death penalty was
upheld and used more often, we could eo away with the evils of our society.
Jails wouldn't be so overcrowded and if we killed the killers then their organs
could be given to science to save the lives of good peo;le who really need the
help./ The death of a slayer would give the sense of closure and would allow
the victims families to not live in fear.